Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sleepy Head


Look familiar? It feels familiar. It feels like October again. OK, it doesn’t feel quite that bad. But there are some similarities—in a lesser degree, thank heavens!

He’s not as cranky lately (oh, hooray!) but he’s certainly still hungry. This morning’s breakfast included pancakes, a corn-dog and Thai-style-ramen-noodles (pictured above). He did not finish the noodles before he nodded off, but once awake again he was ready for a quesadilla. It’s hilarious to see him eat this much.

Jacob’s last dose of steroids was Sunday, so we expect the hunger to die down in a day or two. He’s got round little cheeks and a poochy little belly again. The medicines make it tough to sleep at night, so he tends to doze during the day. And chemotherapy can also cause sensitive skin which has lead to a rash on his arm and between his fingers.  We had checked out at his last clinic visit and they gave us a prescription cream to help treat it.

There’s so many changes, so much up and down. So many medications and so many side effects. Sunday Jacob said to Scott, “I’m glad that I don’t know any other kids with cancer—it’s no fun,” and then he looked at Scott and said, “you wouldn’t like it.”

Just tonight he started having some back pain. He’s had stomach aches all week, but the steroids make his muscles kind of weak and he didn’t want anyone to hug him at bedtime. But like I said, he’s much more good natured of late and not as temperamental, so that’s good.  

IMG_0373Snugglin’ in bed late one evening

IMG_0345French fries at clinic, Feb. 13th

1 comment:

  1. Ya'll are so inspiring. This little buddy's story has been a favorite late night read! I am so grateful to learn from your experiences...it has made me more compassionate! Your perspective, Sara, inspires me to be a better mom! :) Keep up the awesome work...he's lucky to have you as his parents!
