Thursday, November 10, 2011

Operation Bald Eagle


As you already know, chemotherapy attacks all of the fast-growing cells in a persons body, including cancer cells. It also attacks and kills hair cells; chemotherapy makes the hair on a persons head fall out.

Jacob’s hair started falling out a few weeks ago. We really noticed about two weeks ago—it was just coming out all the time and it was beginning to look thin. Scott has been asking Jacob if and when he wanted to shave his head and Sunday night he was ready.


From the beginning Scott said that he would shave his head also. I think that this will strengthen the bond between these two forever. We couldn’t talk little brother Isaac into it though, and that’s OK—he does lots of other things to show Jacob his love.

Isaac, the ever-blunt four-year-old, did announce to Scott and Jacob that “that looks weird!” We encouraged him to use the word “different” instead of “weird.” It definitely is different. My first thought was, ‘now he really looks like a cancer patient.’ It’s sort of the standard sign of cancer treatment and it brought a new level of reality for me. But it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. Scott, of course, made us laugh through the whole thing and Jacob takes everything in stride. He didn’t seem overly sad, he just accepts each thing as it comes. It wasn’t until today, Thursday (five days later) that he asked when it will grow back.


Seriously, is this guy handsome or what? That is one good looking bald man. The best dad a boy could ask for. And speaking of handsome bald men…

John & Heidi 080298894_10150929601725711_832390710_21878997_1511399446_n

These are my four brothers. They’re not all pictured together, but here’s all four of them on Monday night. As soon as they heard about “Operation Bald Eagle” they got together for a little Family-Home-Evening-head-shaving-activity. Now, you need to understand that no men love their hair more than Swalberg men. It’s true--ask their wives. And for good reason too, they’ve all got great hair. But they love their nephew more. Isn’t that so cool? Jacob grinned from ear to ear when I showed him the pictures (Isaac didn’t recognize them).



Again, thank you all for your love and prayers on our behalf. This week has been a good week. Jacob has more energy than he’s had in weeks. He is playing everyday and it’s been good for all of us.


  1. I went from crying at the sight of Jacob's bald head... to laughing at the bald Swalberg boys! I don't even recognize Spencer! His hair is his signature look! What amazing uncles they are to do that for Jacob! (And, I smiled at the cute pajamas too! ;) so glad they fit!) I sure love you guys!! AND, I have math books here... I will try to mail them next week for you! XOXO

  2. I've never seen such a good-lookin' bunch of baldies. :) Sara, I just got an e-mail from my friend Angela telling me that her daughter Sadie (age 1) was diagnosed with Pre-B.A.L.L. on Tuesday. I sent her a link to this blog; I think her head is spinning right now, and she doesn't really know what she's in for. My hope is that she'll be able to benefit from seeing someone who is just a few steps ahead of her. Anyway, if she ends up contacting you, I'm the one who sent her. :) You, Scott, Jacob, Isaac and Ellie are in my prayers every day. I admire and love you so very much. Let me know the next time you're at Primary's and I'll bring you some "real" food. :)

  3. Krystal, the pajamas are a big hit. Thank you so much. We'll be looking forward to math books (I can't believe I just said that!) You are so sweet!

  4. What an awesome way to support Jacob. :o)
