Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hair is Overrated

I mentioned in the post about Isaac shaving his head that there have been many others who’ve done the same to support Jacob. There are the ‘Uncles of Awesomeness’…



…including Uncle Ryan and the coolest cousin a kid could ever ask for. Parker is Jacob’s cousin and they’ve been buddies since they were babies—they’re just a few months apart. Parker shaved his head just after Thanksgiving. His younger brother, Garrett, also shaved his head but I don’t have a picture of him yet.

I want to post pictures of several of Scott’s students who shaved their heads for Jacob too:IMG_0211IMG_0288IMG_0240IMG_0239IMG_0208


And even this cute girl, who shaved off part of her hair!


Aren’t these guys amazing? I’m so impressed with all of them! Scott made a “Team Jacob” wall in his classroom for everyone’s pictures to proudly be displayed: IMG_0305

Every time Scott would come home with a new picture of a bald-headed boy I would think, “I hope their mothers were OK with this!” I could just see some wonderful, well-meaning teenager showing up to the family-Christmas-card-photo-shoot with no hair and a less-than-impressed mother. I apologize if that was ever the case, it was for a good cause.

Also on the list of Jacob’s bald-headed supporters are our ‘Hair-less Home Teachers’!


These are two good friends and neighbors from our church that visit us every month to check up on us and teach us a lesson. Their names are Justin Olsen and Blake Merrell. In November they routinely asked, “Is there anything we can do for you?”

Little did they know what we might ask them to do! Scott prompted Jacob to tell them that they could shave their heads for him if they wanted to. I think that they were a little shocked at first but both decided to do it. Blake even asked if Jacob would want to do the honors…001010014IMG_0389

You guys are great sports, thank you!

I’m sure that I’ve forgotten someone and there are loads of people who love and support Jacob who haven’t shaved their heads (myself included)—and we’re just grateful to everyone for everything you do! Thank you all! We love you!


  1. this is great! LOVE seeing everyone who is shaving their heads in support of Team Jacob!
