Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Picture Post

Most Facebook friends have already seen these pictures, but I wanted to get them on the blog—even if they are slightly outdated. And the story of this photo shoot is one that I love to tell anyway.

In March Jacob finished his “more intense” chemotherapy and I wanted to take some pictures of his bald little head before his hair came back. I enlisted the help of a fabulous photographer friend and began brainstorming places for the photo shoot. Should I dress Jacob up in his Sunday best and find a nice picturesque location? You know what I was thinking—magazine cover or Kids Gap commercial at least.  Well, wise and wonderful Robyn suggested that we just take pictures of Jacob in his jammies. At home. Playing with his Star Wars Legos.

Real Life? What a genius idea!

The purpose of the pictures was to capture this part of life before it passed, so why pretend that it was any different than it really was? Jacob in his jammies. At home. Playing with his Star Wars Legos. That’s really what he did for most of the winter. And I love how these photos turned out and the story that they tell.

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Once the boys warmed up to being on camera, an epic light saber battle commenced…

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…that quickly escalated into an epic squish-your-sibling-wrestling match. That’s real life, my friends—real life.


Then Mom had to break up the fight. Looking back now, I should have jumped in and joined the fun. I was a little camera-shy, I guess. But I really wish I had wrestled right along with them. How awesome would it have been if I’d belly-flopped onto the bed? Maybe I’ll do it the next time someone comes to photograph my kids in their p.j.’s (which will likely be never). But hopefully I’ve learned my lesson…

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For a link to Robyn’s photography blog, click here.

And to conclude today’s photo post, a few pictures of the infamous Angry Birds hat given to us by a very sweet friend of a very sweet friend. Thank you Krystal! (Sorry I don’t have better pictures, it’s such a cute hat and Jacob *loves* it).



  1. Thanks Sara! That morning by far ranks up there as one of my top favorites. I love your little family and am so glad that things are getting better!

  2. How did I miss this post until now?? I kept the blog open on my browser .... But it was open to the POST, not the main page of the blog... Anyway, thanks for posting these photos :) I love that Jacob is playing Legos in his Lego pajamas :) and that hat tuned out cute! Gosh, now I want the blue one too!!
