Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Excited Much?


You’ll remember that in February we visited Utah’s Make A Wish Foundation for Jacob to declare his wish. At the time all that he wanted was more Star Wars Legos but we convinced him that perhaps a Disney World Trip could be really cool too. So in three weeks we’re off to Orlando, Florida, for a vacation that is probably more exciting to Mom than it is for anyone else.

It’s true. I am the most thrilled about this trip, but not because my kids aren’t excited, they just don’t fully know what to expect yet. They have never even been to Lagoon (Utah’s own little amusement park) so they don’t have any sort of roller-coaster reference point. I’ve shown them YouTube videos and the Disney World website which has generated a fair share of excitement, but I don’t think they lay awake anticipating it like I do…occasionally.

Honestly, there were times—back in February—when Jacob was just starting his more intense chemo that I would wake up in the morning and think, “We’ll watch some Disney World videos and that will get us through the day.” I would be exaggerating if I said that’s what got me out of bed, but…it was part of it. And now it’s almost here. I can’t wait for our own little dream vacation!


  1. I'm so excited for you guys.... this will be such a great break for all of you! I have been to disney world twice and I love it! (and I would be just as excited as you are and not sleeping at night :)

    On a random side note, one of my old YW leaders has a website devoted to money-saving tips and tricks for disney vacations -- you should check it out before you go:

  2. Thanks Krystal, I'll be checking out her website for sure!
