Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Friends and family that have known Jacob for years know that he’s more physically sensitive than your average six-year-old-boy. He’s never been really rough and tumble, doesn’t like his bath water very hot and seems to get hurt easily. Last year we were boating and over each bump of a wave he’d say, “ow!” That’s just my Jacob and it’s how he’s always been. Prior to his diagnosis Scott and I had had conversations about how to “toughen him up” (little did we know!)
But I have noticed things changing recently, especially over the last month. He suddenly loves wrestling. Loves it. He organizes wrestling matches with his cousins and friends frequently. And while part of this might be his age and normal growing up, I also think part of it is that his body is stronger than it has ever been.  The cancer is in remission and he has been in Maintenance for months now.  And it shows!
IMG_0277Climbing the slide at the park
This week I was cutting Jacob’s fingernails and—this may sound weird—but it didn’t hurt him. He has always disliked getting his fingernails trimmed; after each clip he’d always say “ow” (rather forcefully). I would try to be so careful and cut farther away from the skin or snip smaller pieces at a time, but he would always insist that it hurt him regardless of what I did. Until now. Really, I’m not exaggerating, this is the first time in his life that cutting his fingernails hasn’t hurt him. And when I was done I thought, “there really is a difference now.” It’s a wonderful blessing to see him so much stronger.


  1. I remember when he came to my house a few times for preschool. I remember thinking he was sickly then. I could not help thinking back on that when he was diagnosed. I am so glad he has gained strength. :o) What a blessing. :o)

  2. I'm so glad he's getting stronger! How exciting. I've been reading the blog from my little phone and typically don't have the patience to write a comment from my phone, but I wanted to let you know...at 30 years old I still gag swallowing pills, so GREAT JOB at doing the pills and I have to take them everyday too. So any tricks Jacob wants to teach me that would be great. I LOVE that he got a hair cut and he just looks so much better. This is all amazing progress.
