Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Last week we were getting ready for Jacob's clinic appointment and I was making Jell-o. When he has a back poke he can’t eat solid food before the procedure but he can have Jell-o. So I was making the Jell-o the night before while we were cleaning up dinner. Scott asked Jacob to sweep the floor at the same moment I asked him what flavor he wanted.

When Jacob didn’t sweep the floor right away because he was debating Jell-o choices, Scott prodded him a little and Jacob responded: “Dad, what’s more important cleaning the kitchen or fighting cancer?”

As if making Jell-o really fought cancer, but it was hilarious and Scott and I laughed and laughed.


  1. that cracks me up!! It's just like when he wouldn't change out of his pajamas! haha! love that boy!
