Thursday, December 8, 2011

Clinic 12-5-11

This weeks clinic visit marks an important milestone. It was the beginning of phase 3 of Jacob’s chemo treatments. Phase 3 lasts about two months but it’s also the date they use to determine the end of his treatments. Jacob will be all done with chemotherapy on December 5, 2014—three years from last Monday. It seems like a long time, and yet I’ve already been looking forward to getting to this point; I feel like we’ve achieved something.

There was another highlight from clinic this week: Jacob did awesome. Really awesome. He is getting used to what happens while we’re there and is much happier than he has been at past clinic visits—even on an empty stomach! He is amazing. I’m so proud of him. He happily played angry birds while the doctors looked at him and while he got his chemo medicine (the downside is that I couldn’t take a picture, because he was using my phone. Scott didn’t come with us this week, he’s back to work). Of course the moment when they poked him was awful, it always is, and I imagine that it always will be, but it’s to be expected—that hurts! However, when it was time to leave and they pulled the needle out Jacob happily announced, “that didn’t even hurt!” He told me later that he wants that nurse to de-access him every time.

IMG_0176Jell-o for breakfast before clinic (although it’s more fun to play with than actually eat)

Jacob went to clinic fasting (with the exception of some “clear liquids” including two bites of Jell-o). Once we got there however, I learned that he didn’t need to! There was no procedure scheduled! Argh. The calendar that they gave me said there was a lumbar puncture. Oh well. Jacob was good about it and as soon as they realized what had happened the nurse ordered Jacob some food. He wanted a cinnamon-sugar bagel ('cause that’s what the rest of us had for breakfast back at home). He munched on his bagel while they hooked up all the IVs and gave him his meds. He was just content. It was great. And I was so glad because I had been nervous about taking Jacob to clinic without Scott.

One more really great thing (I love having good things to report), the doctor said that often this medicine will make kids “puke-y” (her word) but Jacob has been fine! He hasn’t felt sick at all. Yeah! He did have a headache off and on, but other than that he has been great. I’m so glad. Hopefully it stays this way but I’m also trying to be ready if it doesn’t, you know, “hope for the best, prepare for the worst” (that’s what my mom always says).

And lastly, here’s all the medical stuff, for those interested. This third phase of chemotherapy (called Interim Maintenance) requires chemo every 10 days (instead of once a week). Jacob gets two meds each visit, Vincristine and Methotrexate, both through IV. And the dose will increase every time if his counts are high enough. There are no meds at home (except the antibiotic that he’s always on and a laxative too). His ANC this week was 3.0 (3,000).


  1. He is looking so good! I am guessing that it's steroid swelling? Wow he looks great! I am so happy for your mile stone. Great job Woodwards!

  2. That should read, was steroid swelling... :o) Past tense...

  3. Just wanted to let all of you woodwards know that Olivia and I have not stopped thinking of you guys. We love you.
