Thursday, December 8, 2011

First Visit from the Home Health Nurse

Friday we met Jacob’s home health nurse. She comes to draw Jacob’s blood; the doctors need to know what his counts are before each visit for this next phase of chemo.

We were all a little anxious about this, at least I was. I didn’t know quite what to expect. I know what it’s like to have Jacob accessed at clinic or even to draw blood in a lab, but at home? On the couch? All those gloves, syringes and sterile things belong in a hospital, not in my living room.

On the other hand, I thought, it could be more comfortable for Jacob to just be at home, on the couch watching a dinosaur movie instead of at the clinic. I just didn’t know what to expect.

For the most part things went fine. I realized that Jacob hates being poked with a needle, regardless of location (not that I excepted him to love it just because we were at home) and, as always, the anticipation of the poke is the worst part.

Now that the initial visit is over with, I know how to plan for the future. For example, we won’t have Isaac in the same room next time. Poor guy got a little woozy at the sight of Jacob’s blood filing those vials. That was a little overwhelming for me, trying to comfort Jacob and Isaac at the same time. Thankfully, Ellie was sleeping. But after a drink and sitting on the couch with ‘Snuggle’ the bear-dog stuffed animal, Isaac was fine. (Keep an eye out because ‘Snuggle’ makes an appearance in our Christmas card this year).

Phew, I was glad when it was all over and we could just go back to watching the dinosaur movie like a regular Friday afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Sara, I'm pretty sure we have the same home health nurse, mine was drawing Mia's blood and telling me a story about a little boy her age whose brother almost passed out when he saw her draw his blood...hmmm...
