Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Best Time to Get Cancer Ever!

Jacob has the most common type of childhood cancer. Out of every one million children about 130 of them have cancer. Of those 130 children about 30% have leukemia--the #1 most common cancer in children. Of those 30% the most common type of leukemia is Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (A.L.L). The most common type of A.L.L. is Precursor B. This is what Jacob has. So he has the most common kind of the most common kind of leukemia, which is the most common kind of childhood cancer (you follow?). Being the most common it is the most studied, the most understood, and (our favorite part) the most curable. So, if you've got to pick a childhood cancer, A.L.L. precursor B is a fantastic choice.

Furthermore, an oncologist just told Sara and I this morning that the recovery rate for Jacob's type of childhood leukemia in the 1970s was between 5-10%. Now, it's between 85-95%. The advancement and development of the chemotherapy in just our lifetime makes it the most effective it has ever been ... ever!

So, our conclusion is that right now is the best time in the history of the world to get leukemia! This means that Jacob has the best kind of cancer during the best time to ever have cancer. That's a great combination and we're grateful.


  1. Oh Scott. I heard this bad news from Breanna on Sunday. I'm so very sorry to hear about Jacob's illness. I'll be following along here. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jacob and your family.

    Snow Family

  2. It was hard to follow but I think I got it (after reading it three times). I admire your optimism and you are such an example to those around you in this trying time. You guys are amazing!
