Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not enough words for our gratitude

This week for our family home evening lesson we talked about being grateful. We tried to make a list of all the people we are thankful for and everyone who has helped us these last two weeks. Making a complete, comprehensive list seems impossible but we were brainstorming all the same.


Scott wrote our list of people we’re thankful for on our white board (a Woodward family home evening tradition—using the white board).

I can not explain the feeling of love that has come into our lives and into my heart as I have learned that—truly—everyone we know is praying for us. It is an incredible feeling. We have received so many cards, letters, texts and emails. We have received goodies, and hugs and dinners. People are so willing to help, even if it’s just to talk or cry with us.

And all of this has caused me to wonder, more than once, “would I do this for someone else?” “What if it was my neighbor or friend? Would I give like others are giving?” I have been thinking a lot about these questions lately. And the truth is, I don’t know what I would have done, but I know what I want to do from here on out and for the rest of my life. I want to be more like my friends and neighbors. I hope that doesn’t sound trite. It may sound trite, but it isn’t meant that way. I am more sincere than I have ever been; your emails and letters have touched my heart, lead me to serious reflection and an intense desire to be a better, more loving, more compassionate person.

Thank you.

Jacob made his own personal list of people he is thankful for too. He got tired quickly, but this is what he wrote:


At the top of the list, the very first person he thought of was his primary teacher, Sister Clark. She has done so much for us and has been so loving and concerned for Jacob. As it happened she was the very first person to know we were going to Primary Children’s Emergency Room to see what was happening with Jacob that Thursday afternoon almost three weeks ago. She knew something was up and she just held me and cried. We have not left her thoughts and prayers since that moment. She is truly an angel. Tiffany, thank you.

Next on the list is Jacob’s friend Ben (Sister Clark’s son) who gave Jacob his favorite toy dragon--to keep--last week. After that was his friend Caleb who gave him some pajamas. Jacob wears PJ’s most of the time lately, and with his steroid weight gain he fits into very few comfortably. Caleb had some out-grown ones that Jacob is really excited about. Three pairs of Spiderman jammies can make a boy very happy.

Jacob is also grateful for his grandparents. Their parental love has been a strength to all of us (both sets of grandparents, by the way. Isn’t wonderful that there is more than one grandma and grandpa?) Finally, Jacob wrote that he is grateful for his kindergarten class. They sent a package with cards, hearts and lots of love. It means a lot to him.

Jacob, if you ever read this one day (and I hope that you will) I want you to remember the goodness of people. I’ve already told you this, and I know that you know, but I want you to remember that people we don’t even know are praying for you now as you fight this cancer. And all the people that we do know have reached out to comfort and to strengthen us and to pray for us too. Sometimes in life we get overwhelmed or a little scared about the world we live in; it is the last days after all and Satan does rage in the hearts of some men. But my son, remember that people are good. People give and people love. People are good and that comes from God. There is Divinity in us and because of that we have an instinct to comfort, and to lift and to love and to bind up the broken-hearted, just as our Savior does. Peace and comfort come from Him, but often in comes in the people around us.

Thank you again for loving us and for making me a better person in the process. With all our love, thank you.


  1. Woodward Family,

    We are so glad to know you! So glad to get to watch you lengthen your stride and step over this chasm.

    Life is a bit scarey at times. But, there have been many reminders around us lately to remind us of what is important.

    Our little community has been tried to the roots lately. But, guess what it has done for me. I am seeing life with my spiritual eyes more of the time. I am letting go of more things that simply in the grand scheme of things do not matter.
    I am hugging my kids a little tighter. Breathing a little deeper. And lingering a little longer when I talk to friends and loved ones. I am trusting more and fearing less.

    I told Scott that your family would not be the only ones to grow from this. I meant it.
    Our ward is growing from the trials and blessings. We are becoming better people.
    We are becoming a closer ward family.

    Some say the thing that makes a family strong is what they have been through together. I agree. This is what will bond us as a ward family.

    <3 Cheryl

  2. Oh, Sara, little Jacob is so sweet. To know that he appreciates Ben and me just feeds my soul! Thank you for this post. I am going to save that little picture of his list and keep it forever. :)

  3. Sara, thank you for this post. You are making me cry now! I needed to hear your words, maybe more then what Jacob will need to hear in the future. (sorry for being conceited on that, but I needed it)
