Thursday, October 6, 2011

"How Can We Help?"

In the not so distant past, Sara and I have scratched our heads and scrolled through our contact lists in vain looking for a babysitter for a particular weekend. Now, if we actually took everyone up on their offers to watch our children, we could go out one night a week for the next decade before we'd ever have to pay a babysitter again! Most incredibly, there have been people whom we've never met offering to watch our kids if we need it! Who are you people? Thank you, thank you, thank you to all! In Sara's words, "You people are amazing!"

In the last week, dozens of kind, eager, compassionate people continue to ask such questions as, "How can we help?" "Is there anything that we can do for you?" "If you need anything, will you please, please let us know?" We are overwhelmed by such kindness and feel tremendously grateful to be surrounded by and related to so many stellar people. Of course we rarely have a good reply to such generous offers other than "thank you."

So, Sara and I have been thinking seriously about your questions because you continue to press us so sincerely. How can you help? What do we need? We have a few thoughts for you including the following:
  • Faith. So many of you have told us that you are praying for Jacob and our family. Thank you! We feel stronger than we ought to be and more comforted and contented with our situation than we know we would be on our own. We attribute this, in large part, to your expressions of faith on our behalf--your prayers, your fasting, your putting our names in the temple, etc. We are sustained and strengthened by the exercise of your faith in our behalf and ask that this continue. Thank you.
  • Money. Okay, so this is the topic that no provider for his family wants to admit very readily. Yet, I will honestly confess that Sara and I truly did not budget much money for hospital stays, surgeries, and chemotherapy when we sat down and went over our family budget last spring. It just never came up for some reason. On the one hand, we do have awesome medical insurance which helps immensely, no question. On the other hand, notwithstanding great insurance, after all is said and done with Jacob's chemotherapy in 3.5 years from now, we estimate that it will have cost us around $20,000 out of pocket. Some thoughtful people have already begun brainstorming fund raising ideas such as a 5k ("Jog for Jacob"), a community BBQ/auction in his name, or benefit concerts. What are your thoughts? If any of you have any experience organizing these type of events or have other ideas we'd love to chat :). Also, some people have asked if we have any kind of account set up for Jacob that funds can be donated to. So, we've created a PayPal account to which funds can be securely donated electronically by clicking the "donate" button on the right.
  • Encouragement. Moral support. Checking in with how Jacob's doing and how everyone is holding up is terrific. Encouraging words, smiles, and cards are more helpful than you know. Good will, expressions of love, and true doctrine have a way of soothing a troubled parent's soul.
These are the thoughts that we have right now to try and answer your kind questions. We are grateful beyond measure for the love and service which has already been shown to our family. God bless you all for your every charitable reflex!


  1. I just sent Sara an email and then read this post. I used to work in event planning so if you want ANY help I will do what I can. Granted I live in NY but I will help out with whatever I can.

  2. I know we aren't in your ward anymore...but we saw girls from the SF ward post a link to your blog on fb and saw the news. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Woodwards! Thinking about you and Jacob and wishing a speedy and easy road to recovery! :) Love, The Jennes

  3. I am so glad you have been showered with love. So glad there are good people out there! You've got a road ahead, but I know your family will come out on top. You are good stuff.

  4. I just emailed Sara on facebook. I have some info for you guys & my family's company would like to help with the 5k & some funds. Please call me.
    Natalie Perkins

  5. Hi Sara and Scott! My daughter is a Kindergartener at ALA too. We have been touched by your family and Jacob's story. I am a financial counselor and would love to donate my services to help your family with your budget going forward. Please give me a call if you're interested because I'd love to help. Here's my website:
